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Returnable glass makes it possible to use less resources and less energy, producing even less waste.


Returnable glass: a good habit that is kind to the planet

Levico has always bottled its light mineral water exclusively in glass bottles , – a high quality choice which is also environmentally friendly. In particular, we have embraced the returnable glass philosophy, a practice which is already widespread in many countries. 100% infinitely recyclable, these bottles can also be reused up to 30 times before being recycled due to use. Choosing glass wastes less resources and less energy, producing even less waste.

In fact, every year over 30 million tons of solid urban waste are produced in Italy. Over half is represented by packaging and a good part of this is from plastic bottles. The reasons are easily understood: plastic is lighter, cheaper and easier to throw away. But the disadvantages cannot be ignored: if released into the environment – the oceans in particular – it causes serious damage to the ecosystems because it can take up to 500 years before decomposing completely.

Using returnable glass bottles for the distribution of Levico water aims to guarantee a better future for our planet, in line with our values.

Box of six bottles of Levico mineral water in returnable glass bottles

The convenient and elegant six-litre bottle basket for home use.

Levico Home service is not available Outside Italy. Do you still want to know how to get Levico water?
Click here or call the freephone number 800-259811